Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines

Fist steps On Borneo

Orangutan in Sarawak

In 2013, I finished my obligatory military service and followed Bruno Manser’s tracks to Borneo, where I wanted to explore untouched rain forests. With a friend, I climbed the Mt. Kinabalu (4’095m) and visited several national parks in Sarawak. As a beginner, I had my difficulties to leave the touristic areas. On one hand, I was amazed by the nature, on the other was I shocked by the state many parts of Sarawak. The destruction of rain forest, which I then saw with my own eyes, was really depressing. So I fled to Kuching in western Borneo. But before I left Sarawak, I bought a ticket to Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam and applied for Visa. There, nature was unbelievable beautiful, I could not see enough of the forests and beaches of western Borneo. But after a few weeks, I had to leave for Vietnam.

I Smell Adventure

In Vietnam, I visited an Asian major city for the first time. It smelled like adventure. Indeed, I was overwhelmed by Ho Chi Minh: The motorbikes, Rickshaws and bicycles blocking every crossing in sight. The hoarse sellers praising their goods. However, I also met swarms of western party tourists, in whose entourage I spent some days. But soon I was fed of with their style of travelling and I came up with new plans. To avoid the large streams of tourists, I bought a motorbike and searched my way through the western part of the country northwards. Slowly I learned to cope in the strange lands, I even learned to love the very simple conditions. Eventually, my visa ran out and I had to leave the country and flew to Manila on the Philippines. I had tasted blood.

Exploring the Philippines

On the search for new adventures, I spent some days in Manila. A city you can’t forget. There I met an Australian traveler who invited me to join him on a camping trip along the eastern islands. With minimal gear we visited far-off fishing villages, climbed vulcanos and slept under the stars and moon. I learned a lot of tricks, which are still very helpful today. But soon, my travels had to come to an end, my western lifestyle called again. The start of my biology studies at the university of Zurich came closer.

Friendly smiles everywhere